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I don't know anything specific to the drc_vehicle, but here are some basic debugging techniques, and a short checklist:

  • make sure gazebo isn't paused
  • click on the model, and use the "joint" panel on the right to check that the model moves the way you expect when a force is applied
  • use the gz tool to check messages. Your plugins probably use messages in some way, so something like gz topic -e /my/topic/name might help you see what's wrong. You can also use the topic visualizer in the GUI if you want
  • run gazebo with --verbose so you can see any error or warning messages being printed. They might be useful, especially if it's an issue finding the .so file.

I don't know anything specific to the drc_vehicle, but here are some basic debugging techniques, and a short checklist:

  • make sure gazebo isn't paused
  • click on the model, and use the "joint" panel on the right to check that the model moves the way you expect when a force is applied
  • use the gz tool to check messages. Your plugins probably use messages in some way, so something like gz topic -e /my/topic/name might help you see what's wrong. You can also use the topic visualizer in the GUI if you want
  • run gazebo with --verbose so you can see any error or warning messages being printed. They might be useful, especially if it's an issue finding the .so file.
  • run it all in gdb! Debuggers are pretty useful. Try setting a breakpoint in the ::Update() function of your plugin