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I'm not familiar with the PX4 project, but you can add a camera to the SDF file, and put it on a revolute2 joint (so it can rotate X and Y), and give them no friction or damping. Gravity should just let it hang perfectly assuming you don't have any wind plugins running.

I'm not familiar with the PX4 project, but you can add a camera to the SDF file, and put it on a revolute2 or ball joint (so it can rotate X and Y), Y, or Z for ball joint if you want), and give them no friction or damping. Gravity should just let it hang perfectly assuming you don't have any wind plugins running.

Here's a demo:

Use the joint panel on the left to move the red and green links to see that it does work.

You can add a camera to the blue cube. In your case, just make the joint like I did directly to your quadcopter chassis. I only made the other links to demonstrate the motion.