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I finally found the solution, the following assumes your sensor in Gazebo outputs RGB data, the code to subscribe to the image topic and convert the Gazebo Image data to OpenCV cv::Mat is as follows:

include <string>

include <vector>

include <gazebo gazebo_config.h="">

include <gazebo gazebo_client.hh="">

include <gazebo msgs="" msgs.hh="">

include <gazebo transport="" transport.hh="">

include <opencv2 opencv.hpp="">

include <opencv2 core="" core.hpp="">

include <opencv2 imgproc="" imgproc.hpp="">

include <opencv2 highgui="" highgui.hpp="">

include <opencv2 features2d="" features2d.hpp="">

define IMAGE_TOPIC "~/quadrotor/camera/camera/link/camera/image"

void cb(ConstImageStampedPtr &msg) { // std::cout << msg->image().width() << std::endl; // std::cout << msg->image().height() << std::endl; // std::cout << msg->image().pixel_format() << std::endl; // std::cout << std::endl;

int width;
int height;
char *data;

width = (int) msg->image().width();
height = (int) msg->image().height();
data = new char[msg->image().data().length() + 1];

strcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str());
cv::Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, data);

cv::imshow("camera", image);
delete data;


int main(int argc, char **argv) { gazebo::client::setup(argc, argv); gazebo::transport::NodePtr node(new gazebo::transport::Node()); gazebo::transport::SubscriberPtr sub;

// setup
sub = node->Subscribe(IMAGE_TOPIC, cb);

// loop
while (true) {

// clean up

return 0;


I finally found the solution, the following assumes your sensor in Gazebo outputs RGB data, the code to subscribe to the image topic and convert the Gazebo Image data to OpenCV cv::Mat is as follows:

include <string>

include <vector>

include <gazebo gazebo_config.h="">

include <gazebo gazebo_client.hh="">

include <gazebo msgs="" msgs.hh="">

include <gazebo transport="" transport.hh="">

include <opencv2 opencv.hpp="">

include <opencv2 core="" core.hpp="">

include <opencv2 imgproc="" imgproc.hpp="">

include <opencv2 highgui="" highgui.hpp="">

include <opencv2 features2d="" features2d.hpp="">

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <gazebo/gazebo_config.h>
#include <gazebo/gazebo_client.hh>
#include <gazebo/msgs/msgs.hh>
#include <gazebo/transport/transport.hh>

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>

#define IMAGE_TOPIC "~/quadrotor/camera/camera/link/camera/image"

"~/quadrotor/camera/camera/link/camera/image" void cb(ConstImageStampedPtr &msg) { // std::cout << msg->image().width() << std::endl; // std::cout << msg->image().height() << std::endl; // std::cout << msg->image().pixel_format() << std::endl; // std::cout << std::endl;


    int width;
 int height;
 char *data;

 width = (int) msg->image().width();
 height = (int) msg->image().height();
 data = new char[msg->image().data().length() + 1];

 strcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str());
 cv::Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, data);

 cv::imshow("camera", image);
 delete data;


} int main(int argc, char **argv) { gazebo::client::setup(argc, argv); gazebo::transport::NodePtr node(new gazebo::transport::Node()); gazebo::transport::SubscriberPtr sub;


    // setup
 sub = node->Subscribe(IMAGE_TOPIC, cb);

 // loop
 while (true) {

 // clean up

 return 0;

}Of particular interest is the four lines here:

    char *data;
    data = new char[msg->image().data().length() + 1];

    strcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str());
    cv::Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, data);

To convert the data, we first allocate memory for the data variable (+1 for null character at the end). We then copy the image message data from msg->image().data().c_str() to data. Then we use the information about the height and width of the image to form the cv::Mat. Don't forget to delete data with delete, else you're introducing memory leaks.

I finally found the solution, the following assumes your sensor in Gazebo outputs RGB data, the code to subscribe to the image topic and convert the Gazebo Image data to OpenCV cv::Mat is as follows:

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <gazebo/gazebo_config.h>
#include <gazebo/gazebo_client.hh>
#include <gazebo/msgs/msgs.hh>
#include <gazebo/transport/transport.hh>

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>

#define IMAGE_TOPIC "~/quadrotor/camera/camera/link/camera/image"

void cb(ConstImageStampedPtr &msg)
    // std::cout << msg->image().width() << std::endl;
    // std::cout << msg->image().height() << std::endl;
    // std::cout << msg->image().pixel_format() << std::endl;
    // std::cout << std::endl;

    int width;
    int height;
    char *data;

    width = (int) msg->image().width();
    height = (int) msg->image().height();
    data = new char[msg->image().data().length() + 1];

    strcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str());
memcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str(), msg->iamge().data().length());
    cv::Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, data);

    cv::imshow("camera", image);
    delete data;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    gazebo::client::setup(argc, argv);
    gazebo::transport::NodePtr node(new gazebo::transport::Node());
    gazebo::transport::SubscriberPtr sub;

    // setup
    sub = node->Subscribe(IMAGE_TOPIC, cb);

    // loop
    while (true) {

    // clean up

    return 0;

Of particular interest is the four lines here:

    char *data;
    data = new char[msg->image().data().length() + 1];

    strcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str());
memcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str(), msg->iamge().data().length());
    cv::Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, data);

To convert the data, we first allocate memory for the data variable (+1 for null character at the end). We then copy the image message data from msg->image().data().c_str() to data. Then we use the information about the height and width of the image to form the cv::Mat. Don't forget to delete data with delete, else you're introducing memory leaks.

I finally found the solution, the following assumes your sensor in Gazebo outputs RGB data, the code to subscribe to the image topic and convert the Gazebo Image data to OpenCV cv::Mat is as follows:

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <gazebo/gazebo_config.h>
#include <gazebo/gazebo_client.hh>
#include <gazebo/msgs/msgs.hh>
#include <gazebo/transport/transport.hh>

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>

#define IMAGE_TOPIC "~/quadrotor/camera/camera/link/camera/image"

void cb(ConstImageStampedPtr &msg)
    // std::cout << msg->image().width() << std::endl;
    // std::cout << msg->image().height() << std::endl;
    // std::cout << msg->image().pixel_format() << std::endl;
    // std::cout << std::endl;

    int width;
    int height;
    char *data;

    width = (int) msg->image().width();
    height = (int) msg->image().height();
    data = new char[msg->image().data().length() + 1];

    memcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str(), msg->iamge().data().length());
    cv::Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, data);

    cv::imshow("camera", image);
    delete data;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    gazebo::client::setup(argc, argv);
    gazebo::transport::NodePtr node(new gazebo::transport::Node());
    gazebo::transport::SubscriberPtr sub;

    // setup
    sub = node->Subscribe(IMAGE_TOPIC, cb);

    // loop
    while (true) {

    // clean up

    return 0;

Of particular interest is the four lines here:

    char *data;
    data = new char[msg->image().data().length() + 1];

    memcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str(), msg->iamge().data().length());
    cv::Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, data);

To convert the data, we first allocate memory for the data variable (+1 for null character at the end). We then copy the image message data from msg->image().data().c_str() to data. Then we use the information about the height and width of the image to form the cv::Mat. Don't forget to delete data with delete, else you're introducing memory leaks.

I finally found the solution, the following assumes your sensor in Gazebo outputs RGB data, the code to subscribe to the image topic and convert the Gazebo Image data to OpenCV cv::Mat is as follows:

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <gazebo/gazebo_config.h>
#include <gazebo/gazebo_client.hh>
#include <gazebo/msgs/msgs.hh>
#include <gazebo/transport/transport.hh>

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>

#define IMAGE_TOPIC "~/quadrotor/camera/camera/link/camera/image"

void cb(ConstImageStampedPtr &msg)
    // std::cout << msg->image().width() << std::endl;
    // std::cout << msg->image().height() << std::endl;
    // std::cout << msg->image().pixel_format() << std::endl;
    // std::cout << std::endl;

    int width;
    int height;
    char *data;

    width = (int) msg->image().width();
    height = (int) msg->image().height();
    data = new char[msg->image().data().length() + 1];

    memcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str(), msg->image().data().length());
    cv::Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, data);

    cv::imshow("camera", image);
    delete data;
                        // ELSE GAZEBO WILL TAKE ALL YOUR MEMORY

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    gazebo::client::setup(argc, argv);
    gazebo::transport::NodePtr node(new gazebo::transport::Node());
    gazebo::transport::SubscriberPtr sub;

    // setup
    sub = node->Subscribe(IMAGE_TOPIC, cb);

    // loop
    while (true) {

    // clean up

    return 0;

Of particular interest is the four lines here:

    char *data;
    data = new char[msg->image().data().length() + 1];

    memcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str(), msg->image().data().length());
    cv::Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, data);

To convert the data, we first allocate memory for the data variable (+1 for null character at the end). We then copy the image message data from msg->image().data().c_str() to data. Then we use the information about the height and width of the image to form the cv::Mat. Don't forget to delete data with delete, else you're introducing memory leaks.

I finally found the solution, the following assumes your sensor in Gazebo outputs RGB data, the code to subscribe to the image topic and convert the Gazebo Image data to OpenCV cv::Mat is as follows:

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <gazebo/gazebo_config.h>
#include <gazebo/gazebo_client.hh>
#include <gazebo/msgs/msgs.hh>
#include <gazebo/transport/transport.hh>

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>

#define IMAGE_TOPIC "~/quadrotor/camera/camera/link/camera/image"

void cb(ConstImageStampedPtr &msg)
    // std::cout << msg->image().width() << std::endl;
    // std::cout << msg->image().height() << std::endl;
    // std::cout << msg->image().pixel_format() << std::endl;
    // std::cout << std::endl;

    int width;
    int height;
    char *data;

    width = (int) msg->image().width();
    height = (int) msg->image().height();
    data = new char[msg->image().data().length() + 1];

    memcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str(), msg->image().data().length());
    cv::Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, data);

    cv::imshow("camera", image);
    delete data;  // DO NOT FORGET TO DELETE THIS, 

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    gazebo::client::setup(argc, argv);
    gazebo::transport::NodePtr node(new gazebo::transport::Node());
    gazebo::transport::SubscriberPtr sub;

    // setup
    sub = node->Subscribe(IMAGE_TOPIC, cb);

    // loop
    while (true) {

    // clean up

    return 0;

Of particular interest is the four lines here:

    char *data;
    data = new char[msg->image().data().length() + 1];

    memcpy(data, msg->image().data().c_str(), msg->image().data().length());
    cv::Mat image(height, width, CV_8UC3, data);

To convert the data, we first allocate memory for the data variable (+1 for null character at the end). We then copy the image message data from msg->image().data().c_str() to data. Then we use the information about the height and width of the image to form the cv::Mat. Don't forget to delete data with delete, else you're introducing memory leaks.