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Hello, there are a few resources that can be useful for you:

  • gazebo_ros_pkg contains a set of ROS packages to communicate Gazebo and your ROS code. I recommend to read the wiki to get a high level overview.
  • More specifically, take a look at the "Using a URDF in Gazebo" and the follow-up tutorial, where you can learn how to load a plugin ( that will publish images via a ROS topic and how to visualize them in rviz.
  • Additionally, you can take a look at the Gazebo intermediate guided tutorials. It's composed by six tutorials where the process of customizing a model in Gazebo is explained. The tutorial number #6 contains instructions for receiving ROS messages and modify your simulation (in this case, spinning a Velodyne sensor).

Hello, there are a few resources that can be useful for you:

  • gazebo_ros_pkg contains a set of ROS packages to communicate Gazebo and your ROS code. I recommend to read the wiki to get a high level overview.
  • More specifically, take a look at the "Using a URDF in Gazebo" and the follow-up tutorial, where you can learn how to load a plugin ( that will publish images via a ROS topic and how to visualize them in rviz.
  • Additionally, you can take a look at the Gazebo intermediate guided tutorials. It's composed by six tutorials where the process of customizing a model in Gazebo is explained. The tutorial number #6 #6 contains instructions for receiving ROS messages and modify your simulation (in this case, spinning a Velodyne sensor).