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Could you post a video or a world file, as well as code calling these functions? More info is necessary to understand what is happening. These functions make the model move at the velocity without applying any forces, so you won't see a force/acceleration from them. The velocities must be given in the world frame. They set the velocity at the time they're called, afterwards the object can be slowed by forces. If you need a constant velocity you must call the methods every time step.

Could you post a video or a world file, as well as code calling these functions? More info is necessary to understand what is happening. These functions make the model move at the velocity without applying any forces, so you won't see a force/acceleration from them. The velocities must be given in the world frame. They set the velocity at the time they're called, afterwards the object can be slowed by forces. If you need a constant velocity you must call the methods every time step.