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try adding this to the world file, not to the robot:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<gazebo version="1.0">
  <world name="default">
    <light type="directional" name="my_light" cast_shadows="false">
      <origin pose="0 0 30 0 0 0"/>
      <diffuse rgba=".9 .9 .9 1"/>
      <specular rgba=".1 .1 .1 1"/>
      <attenuation range="20"/>
      <direction xyz="0 0 -1"/>

I would also suggest that you switch to a newer version of gazebo ( v1.3 which comes with groovy or installing v1.5 from source), that way you could get more help in future problems, because I don't think version 1.0 is used by a lot of people.

Cheers, Andrei


try adding this to the world file, not to the robot:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<gazebo version="1.0">
  <world name="default">
    <light type="directional" name="my_light" cast_shadows="false">
      <origin pose="0 0 30 0 0 0"/>
      <diffuse rgba=".9 .9 .9 1"/>
      <specular rgba=".1 .1 .1 1"/>
      <attenuation range="20"/>
      <direction xyz="0 0 -1"/>

I would also suggest that you switch to a newer version of gazebo ( v1.3 which comes with groovy or installing v1.5 from source), that way you could get more help in future problems, because I don't think version 1.0 is used by a lot of people.


If you are going to switch to groovy you could add light sources the following way:

Add to the .world file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<sdf version="1.3">
    <world name="my_world">
        <!--the light source created in the world file-->
        <light type="directional" name="my_light">
            <pose>0 0 30 0 0 0</pose>
            <diffuse>.9 .9 .9 1</diffuse>
            <specular>.1 .1 .1 1</specular>
            <direction>0 0 -1</direction>
    <!-- OR import the light source from an external sdf model -->
    <!-- you should find the 'sun' models in ~./gazebo folder -->
        <pose>0.3 0.2 5.0 0 0 0</pose>

Cheers, Andrei