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A couple suggestions:

  1. This problem may be caused by the PositionJointInterface (See this Gazebo Answer).
    What happens if you use an EffortJointInterface for the grippers?
  2. Try giving your gripper contact links a small <minDepth> value of say 0.002-0.003 and a <maxVel> value of 0. This main provide more consistent contact between the gripper links and the object being grasped.

<gazebo reference="GRIPPER_LINK_NAME">  

A couple suggestions:

  1. This problem may be caused by the PositionJointInterface (See this Gazebo Answer).
    What happens if you use an EffortJointInterface for the grippers?
  2. Try giving your gripper contact links a small <minDepth> value of say 0.002-0.003 and a <maxVel> value of 0. This main may provide more consistent contact between the gripper links and the object being grasped.

<gazebo reference="GRIPPER_LINK_NAME">  