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I guess i have the same issue, because my pip show output is:

(cuda) stephan@stephan-Z:~$ pip show protobuf
Name: protobuf
Version: 3.7.1
Summary: Protocol Buffers
Author: None
Author-email: None
License: 3-Clause BSD License
Location: /home/stephan/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requires: six, setuptools
Required-by: tensorflow-gpu, tensorboard

and my dpkg -l output is:

(cuda) stephan@stephan-Z:~$ dpkg -l |grep protoc
    ii  apturl                                          0.5.2ubuntu14.2                              amd64        install packages using the apt protocol - GTK+ frontend
    ii  apturl-common                                   0.5.2ubuntu14.2                              amd64        install packages using the apt protocol - common data
    ii  libcmis-0.5-5v5                                 0.5.1+git20160603-3build2                    amd64        CMIS protocol client library
    ii  libijs-0.35:amd64                               0.35-13                                      amd64        IJS raster image transport protocol: shared library
    ii  liblwp-protocol-https-perl                      6.07-2                                       all          HTTPS driver for LWP::UserAgent
    ii  libmbim-glib4:amd64                             1.14.2-2.1ubuntu1                            amd64        Support library to use the MBIM protocol
    ii  libnghttp2-14:amd64                             1.30.0-1ubuntu1                              amd64        library implementing HTTP/2 protocol (shared library)
    ii  libprotobuf-dev:amd64                           3.0.0-9.1ubuntu1                             amd64        protocol buffers C++ library (development files)
    ii  libprotobuf-lite10:amd64                        3.0.0-9.1ubuntu1                             amd64        protocol buffers C++ library (lite version)
    ii  libprotobuf10:amd64                             3.0.0-9.1ubuntu1                             amd64        protocol buffers C++ library
    ii  libprotoc-dev:amd64                             3.0.0-9.1ubuntu1                             amd64        protocol buffers compiler library (development files)
    ii  libprotoc10:amd64                               3.0.0-9.1ubuntu1                             amd64        protocol buffers compiler library
    ii  libqmi-glib5:amd64                              1.18.0-3ubuntu1                              amd64        Support library to use the Qualcomm MSM Interface (QMI) protocol
    ii  libunity-protocol-private0:amd64      
7.1.4+18.04.20180209.1-0ubuntu2              amd64        binding to get places into the launcher - private library
    ii  libx11-protocol-perl                            0.56-7                                       all          Perl module for the X Window System Protocol, version 11
    ii  libxkbcommon-x11-0:amd64                        0.8.0-1ubuntu0.1                             amd64        library to create keymaps with the XKB X11 protocol
    ii  protobuf-compiler                               3.0.0-9.1ubuntu1                             amd64        compiler for protocol buffer definition files
    ii  python-crypto                                   2.6.1-8ubuntu2                               amd64        cryptographic algorithms and protocols for Python
    ii  python-oauth                                    1.0.1-5                                      all          Python library implementing of the OAuth protocol
    ii  python-pyasn1-modules                           0.2.1-0.2                                    all          Collection of protocols modules written in ASN.1 language
    ii  python3-crypto                                  2.6.1-8ubuntu2                               amd64        cryptographic algorithms and protocols for Python 3
    ii  python3-oauth                                   1.0.1-5                                      all          Python 3 library implementing of the OAuth protocol
    ii  python3-protobuf                                3.0.0-9.1ubuntu1                             amd64        Python 3 bindings for protocol buffers
    ii  ros-melodic-xmlrpcpp                            1.14.3-0bionic.20190318.180337               amd64        XmlRpc++ is a C++ implementation of the XML-RPC protocol.

ii  x11proto-dev                                    2018.4-4                                     all          X11 extension protocols and auxiliary headers

it seems that i have 3.7.1 and 3.0.0 in different locations. I have to use conda for different Python environments and used this command as i firstly got the Error from the first post:

conda install -c anaconda libprotobuf

How did you fix the issue with the wrong direction, LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

Thank you!