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This might be a little late, but if you look at the source code of the plugin ( you'll notice the animation and trajectory parts. It looks like this Plugin is specialized for the usage with the Walking Actor person (

You can use this source code and adapt it to your own plugin. Since you're using just a visual element without any animation, you can take those parts out and just set the pose of your actor with this->actor->SetWorldPose(pose) at the end.

This might be a little late, but if you look at the source code of the plugin ( you'll notice the animation and trajectory parts. It looks like this Plugin is specialized for the usage with the Walking Actor person (

You can use this source code and adapt it to your own plugin. Since you're using just a visual element without any animation, you can take those parts out and just set the pose of your actor with this->actor->SetWorldPose(pose) at the end.

This way you'll also be able to fix the issues with your rotation angles.