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Hi Mihir!

is there a way to configure ign-gazebo to omit the physics plugin so that I may be able to collect data there via a rendering plugin?

You should be able to load any SDF world with ign gazebo world_name.sdf. If you don't want physics to be run, it's just a matter of not specifying the physics plugin within the world, so you may need to edit the SDF file to remove all plugins that you don't want. Be sure to leave the Sensors system because that's the one which generates sensor data.

The Server Configuration tutorial should be helpful.

worlds in ignition rendering so that I can use the C++ API provided by the framework

I think these new tutorials on using Ignition Rendering APIs from within Ignition Gazebo may be helpful to you.

so that I can use the C++ API provided by the framework to take sensor readings for GpuLidars and Camera for faster data collection.

Note that Ignition Gazebo gathers this data through Ignition Sensors, which itself uses Ignition Rendering. And currently, it isn't possible to access Ignition Sensors objects directly from Ignition Gazebo yet. See this issue.