1 | initial version |
If there is any contact that's applying the force to the box, you can visualize the contact force by selecting in the menu View > Contacts.
If the force isn't covered by any of the items in the View menu, are you using ROS with Gazebo? If you are, a much easier way that's usually done is to visualize in RViz: http://wiki.ros.org/rviz
All the supported types are listed here http://wiki.ros.org/rviz/DisplayTypes/Marker
Adding a visual dynamically is really not the usual way that this is done.
2 | No.2 Revision |
If there is any contact that's applying the force to the box, you can visualize the contact force by selecting in the menu View > Contacts.
If the force isn't covered by any of the items in the View menu, are you using ROS with Gazebo? If you are, a much easier way that's usually done is to visualize in RViz: http://wiki.ros.org/rviz
All the supported types types, including arrows, are listed here http://wiki.ros.org/rviz/DisplayTypes/Marker
Adding a visual dynamically is really not the usual way that this is done.