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I have an onboard Intel GPU and have the same problem. Like Louise above suggested I run the for Gazebo and have the GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH, GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH and GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH set. I also tried to compile Gazebo (but not all the dependencies) which did not change the rendering. Still some models are so dark that their details are not visible.

My workaround was to click on the World tab, then on Scene and finally deactivate shadows. If shadows is already deactivated, then toggle it.

Here are other related questions with the hope that the users would arrive on this page:




I have an onboard Intel GPU and have the same problem. Like Louise above suggested I run the for Gazebo and have the GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH, GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH and GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH set. I also tried to compile Gazebo (but not all the dependencies) which did not change the rendering. Still some models are so dark that their details are not visible.

My workaround was to click on the World tab, then on Scene and finally deactivate shadows. If shadows is already deactivated, then toggle it.

An issue is still open on the repo.

Here are other related questions with the hope that the users would arrive on this page:


