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Here is the python code to set the pose of any object using a cli command:

   first_part = "ign service -s /world/ign_moveit2_follow_target_world/set_pose --reqtype ignition.msgs.Pose --reptype ignition.msgs.Boolean --timeout 300 --req 'name: \""
    model_name = 'spawned_model'
    second_part = model_name + "\", position: {z: 5.0}'"

Here is the python code to set the pose of any object using a cli command:

   first_part = "ign service -s /world/ign_moveit2_follow_target_world/set_pose /world/my_world/set_pose --reqtype ignition.msgs.Pose --reptype ignition.msgs.Boolean --timeout 300 --req 'name: \""
    model_name = 'spawned_model'
    second_part = model_name + "\", position: {z: 5.0}'"