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Can you tell us what version of Gazebo you're using?

It's Ignition Gazebo Fortress, installed from packages on an Ubuntu 22.04 in a virtualbox on Windows.

Today it does load the model, so I think this must have been a temporary server-side issue (I'm fairly sure I also got the 404 with the full path).

It still doesn't work though (complains about several libraries not found).

In the mean time I have compiled Gazebo Garden and Rolling from source, as well as the ros_gz_bridge (and for the latter also gps_msgs).

This seems to work, except that the bridge errors:

[WARN] [1679564767.107537388] [ros_gz_bridge]: Failed to create a bridge for topic [/model/vehicle_blue/cmd_vel] with ROS2 type [geometry_msgs/msg/Twist] to topic [/model/vehicle_blue/cmd_vel] with Gazebo Transport type [ignition.msgs.Twist]

This seems rather obvious, as there is no topic cmd_vel? Although it's not listed in the official tutorial either?

ign topic -l

Can you tell us what version of Gazebo you're using?

It's Ignition Gazebo Fortress, installed from packages on an Ubuntu 22.04 in a virtualbox on Windows.

Today it does load the model, so I think this must have been a temporary server-side issue (I'm fairly sure I also got the 404 with the full path).

It still doesn't work though (complains about several libraries not found).

In the mean time I have compiled Gazebo Garden and Rolling from source, as well as the ros_gz_bridge (and for the latter also gps_msgs).

This seems to work, except that the bridge errors:

[WARN] [1679564767.107537388] [ros_gz_bridge]: Failed to create a bridge for topic [/model/vehicle_blue/cmd_vel] with ROS2 type [geometry_msgs/msg/Twist] to topic [/model/vehicle_blue/cmd_vel] with Gazebo Transport type [ignition.msgs.Twist]

This seems rather obvious, as there is no topic cmd_vel? Although it's not listed in the official tutorial either?

ign topic -l

EDIT: I learned that:

  1. Contrary to ROS 2, topics that have listeners only are not shown in gz topic -l,

  2. Obviously the bridge command failed, as ignition.msgs.Twist has been renamed to gz.msgs.Twist.

It is working now, thank you.

Can you tell us what version of Gazebo you're using?

It's Ignition Gazebo Fortress, installed from packages on an Ubuntu 22.04 in a virtualbox on Windows.

Today it does load the model, so I think this must have been a temporary server-side issue (I'm fairly sure I also got the 404 with the full path).

It still doesn't work though (complains about several libraries not found).

In the mean time I have compiled Gazebo Garden and Rolling from source, as well as the ros_gz_bridge (and for the latter also gps_msgs).

This seems to work, except that the bridge errors:

[WARN] [1679564767.107537388] [ros_gz_bridge]: Failed to create a bridge for topic [/model/vehicle_blue/cmd_vel] with ROS2 type [geometry_msgs/msg/Twist] to topic [/model/vehicle_blue/cmd_vel] with Gazebo Transport type [ignition.msgs.Twist]

This seems rather obvious, as there is no topic cmd_vel? Although it's not listed in the official tutorial either?

ign topic -l

EDIT: I learned that:

  1. Contrary to ROS 2, topics that have listeners only are not shown in gz topic -l,. This will thankfully be fixed soon.

  2. Obviously the bridge command failed, as ignition.msgs.Twist has been renamed to gz.msgs.Twist.

It is working now, thank you.