Sensors colliding with collision box
Hi! I am having a problem with ray sensors and the collision box of the robot.
For instance, using the sonar plugin recently included:
<sensor type="ray" name="sonar_${name}">
<pose>${xyz} ${rpy}</pose>
<plugin name="sonar_${name}_plugin" filename="">
I get the problem that when the robot is moving fastly in the direction of the sonar, I get measurements corresponding to detecting the own collision mesh of the robot (even if the sensor is outside of the collision mesh). Using the Hokuyo simulation I get the same problem (at the end, they both are ray sensors.
Does anybody know how to overcome this problem?
Asked by Javi V on 2015-10-19 04:15:58 UTC
Have you tried changing the minimum Range values of the sensor and/or the plugin?
Asked by evilBiber on 2015-10-21 05:11:40 UTC