spawn_model fails in ROS groovy (Gazebo 1.3.0)
Hello, A few days ago I switched from fuerte to groovy. The shipped gazebo version at this time was 1.2.5 . Scince everything was working fine (simulating robots, spawning models, etc.) I decided to install groovy on 2 other machines. On those machines simulator gazebo has version 1.3.0 and it is not possible to spawn any models via "rosrun gazebo spawn_model ...". When using files with SDF version 1.3 I always get the following error:
[ERROR] [1359494067.230314246]: GazeboRosApiPlugin SpawnModel Failure: input xml format not recognized
I've made some experiments with really simple models and even older sdf versions. Nothing seems to work here. Any suggestions why this not working anymore?
Best regards,