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Error in Creating a new world similar to the atlas_utils pkg to make a robot stand up

asked 2013-01-29 23:23:44 -0500

Bharadwaj Ramesh gravatar image

updated 2013-07-24 11:28:59 -0500

nkoenig gravatar image

I am trying to create a new world with a new humanoid robot (similar to the atlas )model initialed in it. My main aim is to keep the robot standing first.

I only have the model urdf file.I want to create a controller that gives the joints a inital torque to keep the robot standing. I use the following tutorial to create my files.

I try to replicate the atlas_utils package for my robot and I get a error.

I first created a mysim.lauch file in ~/ros/hubo_trial/launch/ directory,which has the following script


      <!-- start gazebo with the Hubo -->
      <include file="$(find hubo_utils)/launch/hubo_no_controllers.launch"/>

      <!-- Controller Manager -->
      <include file="$(find pr2_controller_manager)/controller_manager.launch" />

      <!-- Fake Calibration -->
      <node pkg="rostopic" type="rostopic" name="fake_joint_calibration"
            args="pub /calibrated std_msgs/Bool true" />

      <!-- Whole Body -->
      <rosparam command="load" file="$(find hubo)/ros/whole_body_trajectory_controller.yaml" />

       <!-- Controllers that come up started -->
       <node name="hubo_urdf_controller_spawner"
          pkg="pr2_controller_manager" type="spawner" output="screen"
          args="--wait-for=/calibrated Hubo_controller" />


my hubonocontrollers.launch file is as follows


      <arg name="gzname" default="gazebo"/>
      <arg name="gzworld" default=""/>
      <param name="/use_sim_time" type="bool" value="true"/>

      <!-- start gazebo with the Hubo -->
      <node name="gazebo" pkg="hubo_utils" type="run_$(arg gzname)" args="$(arg gzworld)" output="screen" />

      <!-- Robot Description -->
      <param name="robot_description" textfile="$(find hubo)/model.urdf"/>


my whole_body_trajectory_controller.yaml is as follows

  type: "robot_mechanism_controllers/JointTrajectoryActionController"
    - LHY
    - LHR
    - LHP
    - LKP
    - LAP
    - LAR
    - RHY
    - RHR
    - RHP
    - RKP
    - RAP
    - RAR
    LHY: {p:     5.0, d:  0.01, i:   0.0, i_clamp:    0.0}
    LHR: {p:   100.0, d:   1.0, i:   0.0, i_clamp:    0.0}
    LHP: {p:  2000.0, d:  10.0, i:   0.0, i_clamp:    0.0}
    LKP: {p:  1000.0, d:  10.0, i:   0.0, i_clamp:    0.0}
    LAP: {p:   900.0, d:   8.0, i:   0.0, i_clamp:    0.0}
    LAR: {p:   300.0, d:   2.0, i:   0.0, i_clamp:    0.0}
    RHY: {p:     5.0, d:  0.01, i:   0.0, i_clamp:    0.0}
    RHR: {p:   100.0, d:   1.0, i:   0.0, i_clamp:    0.0}
    RHP: {p:  2000.0, d:  10.0, i:   0.0, i_clamp:    0.0}
    RKP: {p:  1000.0, d:  10.0, i:   0.0, i_clamp:    0.0}
    RAP: {p:   900.0, d:   8.0, i:   0.0, i_clamp:    0.0}
    RAR: {p:   300.0, d:   2.0, i:   0.0, i_clamp:    0.0}
    - LHY
    - LHR
    - LHP
    - LKP
    - LAP
    - LAR
    - RHY
    - RHR
    - RHP
    - RKP
    - RAP
    - RAR
      goal_time: 0.0
        goal: 0.02
        goal: 0.02
        goal: 0.02
        goal: 0.02
        goal: 0.02
        goal: 0.02
        goal: 0.02
        goal: 0.02
        goal: 0.02
        goal: 0.02
        goal: 0.02
        goal: 0.02

Are these the only 3 files that I need to set up the pkage?

I run it saying roslaunch hubo_trial mysim.launch ... (more)

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I'm with a similar problem, follow this tutorial for installing drcsim(, but I have this problem: VRCPlugin: firehosemodel [firehose] not found, threading disabled. I'm trying to build my biped

Paulo Filho gravatar imagePaulo Filho ( 2015-03-03 08:24:35 -0500 )edit

The VRCPlugin is very specific to the Virtual Robotics Challenge. It looks for specific models, and complains if they are not present. If you don't need the VRCPlugin, then you can leave it out of you world.

nkoenig gravatar imagenkoenig ( 2015-03-03 09:10:50 -0500 )edit

The problem I do not know if my robot will stand and walk without this plugin, because I am new in the Gazebo and ROS and I'm not sure how to set up my world and my robot to stands on the floor. When I take plugin "<plugin filename =" "name =" vrcplugin ">        <drcfire_hose> "My robot is not loaded.

Paulo Filho gravatar imagePaulo Filho ( 2015-03-04 05:40:44 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2013-07-24 11:48:45 -0500

nkoenig gravatar image

It looks like you are including some DRC specific launch files or DRC elements in your world files, like the drc_fire_hose. If you want to use these DRC elements, then you'll have to install DRCSim and run the drcsim script.

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Asked: 2013-01-29 23:23:44 -0500

Seen: 1,253 times

Last updated: Jul 24 '13