Skip looking for models online? (GAZEBO_MODEL_DATABASE_URI)
Hi there,
is it possible to skip looking for models online?
Similar to this, but without downloading the models.
Thanks, Andrei
Asked by AndreiHaidu on 2015-11-03 06:37:13 UTC
I did not check on the latest version, but on Gazebo ~2/3 setting GAZEBO_MODEL_DATABASE_URI
to ""
had the effect of skipping the download of online models.
Asked by silvio.traversaro on 2015-11-04 18:46:23 UTC
thanks, this does skip connecting to the gz database, however it still tries to connect to the empty one: [Wrn] [] Unable to connect to model database using [//database.config]. Only locally installed models will be available.
Asked by AndreiHaidu on 2015-11-05 03:35:26 UTC
Yes.. as far as I remember that warning did not had any effect (i.e. there was no timeout).
Asked by silvio.traversaro on 2015-11-05 03:38:19 UTC
i've got the same problem. Since a few hours the Gazebo Model Database seems to be offline. In order to skip downloading the databse.config, i followed the hints above. Unfortunately, this doesn't help. I receive the following message
Error [] No <database> tag in the model database database.config found here[]
Error [] Unable to download model manifests
Are there any ideas?
Best regards!
Asked by Illuminatur on 2015-12-20 08:01:56 UTC
With Gazebo 9, I tried setting GAZEBO_MODEL_DATABASE_URI
to ""
with no effect as it seems to get the default value from somewhere else. However, setting it to any value like "/"
did the trick for me.
Asked by cambel07 on 2021-10-12 00:29:18 UTC