gazebo bumper plugin wont give me any data ?
I'm working on nao simulation in gazebo when i call "rostopic echo /nao_robot/fsr" on terminal it gives me a lot of these
seq: 49
secs: 0
nsecs: 0
frame_id: RFsrRL_frame
states: []
but it actually doesent give me any numbers
while the gztopic gives me a lot of params and numbers
contact {
collision1: "nao_v40::r_ankle::r_ankle_collision_RFsrFL_frame"
collision2: "ground_plane::link::collision"
position {
x: -0.42475
y: 0.9781
z: -0.00050999999999996664
position {
x: -0.42475
y: 0.9681
z: -0.00050999999999996664
position {
x: -0.43475
y: 0.9781
z: -0.00050999999999996664
position {
x: -0.43475
y: 0.9681
z: -0.00050999999999996664
normal {
x: 0
y: 0
z: 1
normal {
x: 0
y: 0
z: 1
normal {
x: 0
y: 0
z: 1
normal {
x: 0
y: 0
z: 1
depth: 0.00050999999999996664
depth: 0.00050999999999996664
depth: 0.00050999999999996664
depth: 0.00050999999999996664
wrench {
body_1_name: "nao_v40::r_ankle::r_ankle_collision_RFsrFL_frame"
body_1_id: 281
body_2_name: "ground_plane::link::collision"
body_2_id: 5
body_1_wrench {
force {
x: 0.072087592596782241
y: 0.028411028459002015
z: 3.2030964913988988
torque {
x: 0.10100978879127898
y: -0.160708389002122
z: -0.000847823940497985
body_2_wrench {
force {
x: 0
y: 0
z: 3.6714702680842885e+228
torque {
x: 2.4711723928230347e-259
y: 9.3035059818977424e+199
z: 5.6052338313193757e-67
wrench {
body_1_name: "nao_v40::r_ankle::r_ankle_collision_RFsrFL_frame"
body_1_id: 281
body_2_name: "ground_plane::link::collision"
body_2_id: 5
body_1_wrench {
force {
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
torque {
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
body_2_wrench {
force {
x: 3.8628231006005092e+174
y: 9.7782040937894567e+199
z: 1.5513041645708511e+218
torque {
x: 8.0750745817655192e-13
y: 5.0510556981628804e-85
z: 5.5510021959412005e+180
wrench {
body_1_name: "nao_v40::r_ankle::r_ankle_collision_RFsrFL_frame"
body_1_id: 281
body_2_name: "ground_plane::link::collision"
body_2_id: 5
body_1_wrench {
force {
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
torque {
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
body_2_wrench {
force {
x: 1.1892206589683481e+93
y: 6.1850557490740837e+223
z: 4.37073153235929e-19
torque {
x: 5.8310458343477418e+252
y: 1.1505135141515544e+248
z: 3.6718864393444843e+257
wrench {
body_1_name: "nao_v40::r_ankle::r_ankle_collision_RFsrFL_frame"
body_1_id: 281
body_2_name: "ground_plane::link::collision"
body_2_id: 5
body_1_wrench {
force {
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
torque {
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
body_2_wrench {
force {
x: 1.0854901422561223e+189
y: 3.6351494492871948e+228
z: 3.6344582440600231e+228
torque {
x: 2.1797885502573651e+243
y: 4.7019837676989491e+198
z: 2.9313226905821438e+256
time {
sec: 0
nsec: 1000000
world: "default"
where i'm going wrong ? my definitions are like this :
<gazebo reference="RFsrRL_frame">
<fdir1>1 0 0</fdir1>
<sensor name="RFsrRL" type="contact">
<!-- <topic>RFsrRL</topic>-->
<plugin name="gazebo_ros_bumper_ controller" filename="">
do i need to add more parameters to plugin section ? or its not even suppose to show anything other than they are already showing ?
Asked by soshiant1992 on 2015-11-10 23:29:17 UTC
Does the gz topic contain contacts for the Frame you specified?
The plugin only effects the links you specify
BTW. your URDF part seems broken (contains multiple incomplete lines...)
Asked by evilBiber on 2015-11-11 07:16:44 UTC
i don't know why but URDF was just a copy paste problem i mean it is correct on my PC gztopic had also this problem i think this edit will clarify.
Asked by soshiant1992 on 2015-11-11 08:42:56 UTC
I found a solution here:
Asked by dcconner on 2017-03-07 20:20:08 UTC
Did you solve this problem? I'm seeing the exact issue with Kinetic Gazebo 7. I tried adding "_collision" tags in the urdf, to no avail.
Asked by dcconner on 2017-03-07 19:52:31 UTC