Porting Gazebo GUI to QT Gui Platform
Hi All Dear friends!! first of all I have worked on a specific project which based on Qt5 Gui C++ and for now I have integrated old qdude Ros Qt template with Catkin to QT5 GUI project I develop. My aim is to transport Gazebo(also its1.9 version and Ros Hydro installed) Display to a normal QtGui project which works ROS network(involves Ros Master Url,Ros IP). as far as I searched a lot topic but I couldnt find reasonable solutions on that. also I viewed gazebo source code as well, its huge source. as a result there is no chance. İf you have experience or advice or workaround towards my problem and You can help me it would be appreciated. also I m sorry my english! :( Best Regards
Asked by alptugrul-IYI on 2016-02-02 07:36:36 UTC
Are you trying to embed the gazebo gui in ros qt?
Asked by nkoenig on 2016-02-02 11:52:48 UTC
Exactly Dear friend! but I couldnt embed
Asked by alptugrul-IYI on 2016-02-02 12:57:24 UTC
I don't have a good answer for you because I have never done this. It should be possible, but you're going to have to try it. I recommend using a new version of Gazebo, and then try to follow RQT guidlines for making gazebo embedded in RQT.
Asked by nkoenig on 2016-02-02 13:16:46 UTC
very thanks nate!
Asked by alptugrul-IYI on 2016-02-02 16:42:58 UTC
Hi my dear friend, I'm facing the same problem, could you tell me how did you solve this problem?
Asked by robot-322 on 2019-11-18 02:09:35 UTC