Different values in /cmd_vel/angular/z and /odom/.../angular/z
Hello. I am new in the use of ROS-Gazebo simulation. I'm using simulation with model p3dx in ROS Indigo and Gazebo 2.x in Ubuntu 14.04 64bits. I'm struggling with the difference between: a) the cmd_vel.angular.z values (value sent to the robot) and b) the odom.twist.twist.angular.z (value obtained from odometry), after stabilize the speed, exacly as link image: cmd_vel_vs_odometry
In the model p3dx using the differential-drive library, for which the sending angular velocity values (cmd_vel / angle / z). I wonder if this can be solved with configuration or is a platform of error.
Below the library insertion section in "pioneer3dx.gazebo":
<plugin name="differential_drive_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_diff_drive.so">
<updateRate>100</updateRate><!-- original = 100 -->
I'm doubling this question on link:[answer-ros-org-226287](http://answers.ros.org/question/226287/different-values-in-cmd_velangularz-and-odomangularz/)
I found this issue https://github.com/ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs/issues/327 and this video https://youtu.be/6WTu-mJ8Ukc which maybe related.
Can you try gazebo6?
Thanks for reply, nkoenig! I change Gazebo 2.x to 6.5.1. But the offset remains. Please, see the links above: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_slYV4s5-q9clo3X1NHVl9Ud0E (blue = linear speed to cmd_vel, red = odom..x, cyan = base_pose...x) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_slYV4s5-q9WXNQTk9IUUlnUG8 (blue = angular speed to cmd_vel, red = odom..z, cyan = base_pose...z) Thanks in advance!