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Tutorial and example to use Gazebo trajectory plugins

I have tried to build my own robot (7 DOF) through the tutorial with control, so I can move one joint at a time. I would like to be able to move all joint at the same time by issuing a trajectory, but I am having difficulty to find any tutorial about doing that. I do know that such plugin seems to exist in gazebo (gazeborosjointposetrajectory or gazeborosjoint_trajectory). Is there any good tutorial or simple example on how to do this?

It seems there is another option is to write your own plugins to do things, but I believe gazebo is already set up to just need to modify your urdf and launch files (maybe the config yaml files) to achieve this?

I am using Gazebo 6 with ROS jade.

Asked by John Yang on 2016-03-16 22:56:50 UTC


I also found there is MultiDOFJointTrajectory in trajectory_msgs package. I hope anyone can share tutorials or simple examples on how to get it work with gazebo.

Asked by John Yang on 2016-03-22 21:30:29 UTC


Take a look at MoveIt , which performs motion planning and trajectory control.

Asked by nkoenig on 2016-03-23 09:47:31 UTC
