Applying consecutive torques to joints using Joint::SetForce in Gazebo Model?
I have a Barrett WAM model in gazebo with ROS indigo, and I have been trying to make the arm execute random trajectories one after another. Say, if I have to execute 100 such random trajectories, I need to actuate each joint with a random torques at each iteration. Once the robot has moved in response to the applied torques, I need to update the torques on each joint by again sending random values at the next iteration. To begin with I am trying to move around a single joint randomly. I can easily achieve this using rosservice call /gazebo/applyjointeffort, but I need to do this automatically with a plugin. Following the gazebo plugin tutorials, I have written a simple plugin to achieve the same. I am applying 2 opposing torques on a single joint as follows:
public: void OnUpdate(const common::UpdateInfo & /*_info*/)
I expected that the j1_joint would move a distance corresponding to 10 Nm in one direction, then move a distance of 5 Nm in the other direction. But I am not able to perceive the two movements separately, and the joint just moves a small distance in a single direction which I think is 10-5=5 units in that direction. I understand that the forces are accumulating and at first I thought I am able to see only one movement because there is no delay between the application of the two torques. But on adding a delay I found that the simulation completely freezes. On further inspection it came to light that actually the plugin is executed from beginning to end at launch even before the gazebo models show up. So, we are left with the net torque on each joint.
So, how to enable the applied torques to have their effect on the joint one by one instead of just having the net effect? Is it possible to achieve this using this kind of a plugin? Or should I need to look into ros controllers with publisher subscriber framework to achieve what I want? I want the plugin to dynamically control the simulation by repeatedly applying different torques but it is not happening. I am a novice in gazebo and ROS, so I am not getting any about how to proceed. Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Asked by SP on 2016-03-22 00:39:37 UTC
You are correct in your discovery that successive calls to SetForce are added. The OnUpdate function is run every iteration, and so if you put a blocking "delay" in, you will freeze the whole simulation. If you wanted to set two distinct forces in different iterations, you should account for that in your code. Let's say I wanted to alternate between a force of 10 and -5. Just track that in your code, either by incrementing a counter or using a boolean if you only have two states.
public: void OnUpdate(const common::UpdateInfo & /*_info*/)
if (forwardForce){
else {
forwardForce = !forwardForce;
So yes, a model plugin is one possible strategy, although a ROS node could easily also do this.
Asked by Peter Mitrano on 2016-03-26 02:04:30 UTC
Well, if I apply the forces using conditional statements instead of using a delay as you have mentioned, the trouble still remains that the entire plugin code will be executed before the gazebo models even show up, and after the robot is spawned, each joint will be left with the resultant torque. I suppose it has to do with the fact that the model plugin is tied to the gazebo launch process, and hence is executed only once. Suppose if I place an infinite loop somewhere in the plugin, gazebo won't start at all!! I verified this.
Finally I figured out that what I wanted to achieve can be easily done by writing a service client for the rosservice ApplyJointEffort. Thanks for pointing out about ROS node.
Asked by SP on 2016-03-29 05:33:42 UTC
Actually, onUpdate is run every iteration of simulation, not one as you suggest. Take a look at other plugins if you're confused. Glad you figure it out though! I downvoted so people won't be confused about how plugins work
Asked by Peter Mitrano on 2016-04-01 13:05:26 UTC