Loading gazebo_ros_control faster
I am working on a 27-DOF robot. After the model is loaded on gazebo, it takes about 3 minutes for gazeboroscontrol plugin to be loaded. My question is: Is it possible to make it loaded faster? I know that some part of it has to do with the size of the .stl files, however, I would like to know if there is any remedy for it.
The distro of my ROS is indigo running on ubuntu 14.04.
Asked by MahsaP on 2016-04-07 04:02:47 UTC
Can you make an example github repo that has a model that demonstrates the slow load time?
Asked by Lucas Walter on 2016-04-08 12:17:33 UTC
I will make a video.
Asked by MahsaP on 2016-04-12 01:57:42 UTC
@Lucas Walter Here is the video: (https://youtu.be/QEoW0u978Bw). At the end of the video you will the the gazebo_ros_control is finally loaded.
Asked by MahsaP on 2016-04-12 04:21:13 UTC