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What the hell is wrong with this software?

It has billions of dependencies and I'm having issues with almost all of them. I don't know where to start. Why on earth is it this way? Why can't it be just a single file for installation? WTF? Who came up with this stupid idea of dependencies?

Asked by AlexAzazel on 2016-04-14 17:34:32 UTC



Posts such as this one are not constructive, and create a hostile environment. Please refrain from using inflammatory language, and instead post specific questions using a professional, appropriate tone. The Gazebo Answers community will gladly respond to such queries.

Asked by spaepcke on 2016-04-14 17:48:25 UTC


I have no questions, I doubt I will ever again try instilling this. Just wanted to let you know. I knew you wouldn't like it and this isn't the right place, you can remove this, even I can remove this if you ask me to. The level of inconvenience just got me mad.

Asked by AlexAzazel on 2016-04-14 18:00:01 UTC

@AlexAzazel how is it going? Still using gazebo?

Asked by AchmadFathoni on 2018-06-01 02:25:29 UTC