Can't spawn PR2 robot in Gazebo
Following the steps found in the tutorial ( and trying to spawn the PR2 robot into Gazebo, I can't make it work. Gazebo opens with no errors but PR2 is nowhere to be found. I installed the PR2 pack and created the appropriate launch file. What's wrong?
Asked by pap-x on 2016-04-27 08:49:25 UTC
Solved it! I had wrong syntax in my launch file...
Asked by pap-x on 2016-05-05 07:04:42 UTC
Can you run gazebo in verbose mode, and also check the log files?
Asked by nkoenig on 2016-04-27 10:20:26 UTC
@nkoenig I run gazebo in verbose mode but I don't see anything in the log files. Don't know if I'm looking at the correct log files though, I'm browsing the .gazebo/ folder.
Asked by pap-x on 2016-05-04 04:13:39 UTC