How to add Velodyne sensor to ardrone robot in Gazebo?
I am a beginner in ROS and Gazebo. I am using ROS Hydro with Gazebo. I have installed ardrone_autonomy , tum_simulator , tum_ardrone and joystick drivers and the ardrone is working fine in Gazebo. the Velodyne HDL-32 already exist with the Gazebo models. How to add it to the top of my ardrone ? How to make a connection between the velodyne and the ardrone, or how to define the velodyne as one of the ardrone sensors like the camera and the sonar sensor ? Knowing that the Ardrone sensors defined as .urdf.xacro, and the velodyne sensor defined as .sdf I tried to add the .sdf file with the other sensors but it didn't work, when I simulate the world I can see everything is working correctly but the velodyne is missing. Please Help...