Cannot control the joints using gazebo_ros_control plugin
I am modeling a walking robot in URDF
with all the joints controlled by gazebo_ros_control
It was made based on rrbot
. Everything seems fine when run it in gazebo, and controller topics can be found.
While when I want to use rostopic pub /halobject/Rl1_position_controller/command std_msg/Float64 10
, the model has no response to it. Besides, when use rostopic echo /halobject/Rl1_position_controller/state
to read the joint data, it also shows no response to my command.
During the simulation, there is no error information about it, and my pid
parameter is set to be 100,0.01,10. Joint state controller
publish rate to be 20.
The topics when running is as follows:
If anyone else met similar problem before?
My file is here
first source the devel/setup.bash
then roslaunch halobject_gazebo halobject_world.launch
it should start working.
Thank you!
I have the same problem with a different robot..