STRANGE ERROR! Unable to move Revolute Joints in Gazebo
I'm running : 1. ROS Indigo 2. Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty
I'm simulating a 6DOF robotic arm using ros_control and using gazebo_ros_control plugins. I'm using Joint Position Controllers.
I have set up the .yaml file containing the type of controllers. I have also added all the transmission and gazebo_ros_control tags in my URDF file.
Everything launches without any error. When I try to publish messages on
/nymble_arm/joint2_position_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 1.0
This is my rostopic list.
I'm unable to move the revolute joints. Interestingly I have two continuous joints among my 6DOF which move.
When I publish a message on revolute joints nothing happens.
rohin@dreamworks:~$ rostopic pub /nymble_arm/joint2_position_controller/command std_msgs/Float64 1.0
publishing and latching message. Press ctrl-C to terminate
Also these movements are abrupt and not in a smooth manner. Whereas I've tried tutorials where the arm follows a smoother motion using Joint Position Controllers.
How should I get my revolute joints to move? Please help!