How to set path between 2 points and make robot to take sensor data while moving on it ?
I have created a basic world model with cylinders and boxes as obstacles. I am using Pioneer robot. I want to make a path between a start point and an end point (random points in the world) and want the robot to move on the path and get the sensor data. I was thinking to use Sonar data but I guess laser or IR would work too. I have no clue how to proceed and what to do.
I am trying implement Kalman Filter for Robot Localization. For that I need to get the data from the world, then add noise to it and then use Kalman filter to estimate the actual data from the noisy data. I am stuck at the very first step.
What shall I do to proceed ? Do I need to install ROS ? I have installed only Gazebo on my Ubuntu. Is that good enough ?
I am new to Gazebo and perhaps the only one to use Gazebo in my university. Please pardon me if my questions are very trivial and stupid.