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Unable to control arm with ROS' CartesianPoseController

I have a 7DOF Schunk LWA-3 model which I can control with robot_mechanism_controllers/CartesianWrenchController without problems. However CartesianPoseController doesn't work at all. I can see that the pose_controller/state/error is changing when I set new pose_controller/command, but nothing moves, pose_controller/state/pose remains same.

I was thinking that there is something missed in SDF, e.g. <transmission>, but then how does wrench controller work without it? Although I tried to add transmission, it makes no effect. Even with explicitly wrong settings set it doesn't complain.

Any thoughts on this?

EDIT: I don't know what was causing this, but now everything works fine. Unfortunately it is very difficult to tell by now what was the problem as I was actively working on this setup using other controllers and changed system quite a lot. I will report back in case of similar issues.



Asked by Boris on 2013-02-14 11:14:56 UTC


Could you post some code and relevant support files?

Asked by nkoenig on 2013-03-17 13:13:57 UTC
