How to programmatically attach link to a model during simulation?
Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04 with Gazebo 7.3 and Python 2.7
I have non-colliding URDF models to be used as markers in Gazebo. The markers will be attached to objects to be grasped, and their positions relative to those objects will change as planning executes. I have not found a tutorial or example of programmatically attaching a URDF model to either a world object or robot link as a link that moves with the target object. Can this be done with rospy
I'd like to implement this in Gazebo rather than RViz because the equipment I have been provided with struggles with Gazebo on its own.
for starters, you're probably going to be happier just upgrading your computer. If you can't run gazebo and rviz then whatever project you're working on is going to be miserable to work on.
Upgrading lab equipment isn't under my authority, but I have suggested it. Until then I'm making lemonade.