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What exactly does depth camera return?

Does the plugin Depth Camera simulate real depth camera and calculate the depth map from captured images? So the depth map may have errors and false data. Or depth camera returns ideal depth map?

Asked by Dominik on 2016-08-30 09:46:54 UTC


As i've seen, depth camera in gazebo returns the depth of objects in the gazebo world, but its in your hand to make it realistic, by adjusting the values of depth_camera_plugin, like FOV, noise etc. If u want your camera or any sensor in gazebo to represent real world devices than u have to adjust the values of the plugin parameters exactly as the real world sensor(any sensor) amazing is'nt it, u dont have to buy expensive h/w to test something.

Asked by hari1234 on 2016-09-03 11:39:26 UTC
