TransformBroadcaster and Gazebo plugins
Hi, I have been wanting to get various Gazebo plugins working with ROS using SDF format, starting with Differential Drive plugin. I had some small success getting Twist messages to change joint states, but now I want to get odometry working. I have just pieced together what I could from erraticgazeboplugins and the DRCSim plugins.
this->transformBroadcaster = new tf::TransformBroadcaster();
Any time I want to declare a TransformBroadcaster type I get this error:
gazebo: symbol lookup error:
/home/thelegace/fuerteworkspace/alesrobot/ales_msgs/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN2tf20TransformBroadcasterC1Ev
If I comment out the transform broadcaster instantiation my plugin loads fine. The pioneer2dx model file.
Please let know if there any issue with the code or anything else that I am doing.
This seems to be a a linker error, I think. Are you linking the tf library in CMakeLists.txt?