Turtlebot spinning in place + not going straight when speeding up simulation

asked 2016-09-13 02:49:16 -0500

nzlz gravatar image


First of all, I got redirected here from my question in ros answers.

As I show in the videos above, the Turtlebot is spins around itself a bit, which could affect the direction when I try to go straight. When the real time factor (simulation speed) is normal the robot makes an acceptable straight line, but when the simulation is set to maximum the robot clearly turns to the right. This strange behavior does not happen in empty worlds, just when the robot is inside a model. Any possible solution to this issue?


Video1 - Spinning around itself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdImD...

Video 2 - Trying to go straight - in 0:40 normal speed is tested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltf0e...

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