how to retrieve contact data from engine (NOT MESSAGE)!
how to retrieve contact data directly from physic engine (not in a message).
I tried to use the map structure but this function also use messages.
sensors::SensorPtr sensor = sensors::SensorManager::Instance()->GetSensor(this->model->GetLink("0")->GetSensorName(0));
sensors::ContactSensorPtr contactSensor = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<sensors::ContactSensor>(sensor);
std::map<string, physics::Contact> contacts = contactSensor->GetContacts(this->contactSensor->GetCollisionName(0));
for (std::map<string, physics::Contact>::iterator iter = contacts.begin();iter != contacts.end(); ++iter)
<<"count " << iter->second.count <<endl
<<"time " << iter->second.time <<endl;
The probleme with messages, it may miss some data. I want that each time I run the simulation I get the same data sequence, but this is not the case. For instance look at this curves; data in the first run are different from the second even if its the same simulation