Vacuum/Magnetic Feet for a Walking Robot
Hello GazeboSim,
I have a robot model similar to the image below (collision shown). This is a 10 linkage robot with 9 DOF, and I have already calculated joint angles required for walking through MoveIt! with a simulated robot. I am doing this with two robot models in my URDF, one for each foot fixed to the ground (one MoveIt! planning group for each robot model).
I am wondering if there is some way to load a new robot model (neither leg fixed to ground), and simulate walking with vacuum/magnetic feet.
I would pass the joint angle trajectories from MoveIt! with a simulated robot to the new robot model with the vacuum/magnetic feet. Gazebo would take care of which foot is in contact with the ground and plan the corresponding trajectory.
I have found the gazebo_ros_vacuum_gripper plugin, but have not been able to get this to work with ROS Indigo and Gazebo 2.2. Perhaps I am misunderstanding how to add this to my URDF. So far this has been my attempt:
world link
floating joint (world->vacuum)
vacuum gripper
fixed joint (vacuum->link1)
revolute joint (link10->vacuum)
vacuum gripper
What I don't understand is contacting my robot base_link (link1) to world frame. If I do a revolute joint as specified in the plugin API, then the robot will never be able to lift it's foot off the ground. So I tried a floating joint, but did not have any success.
I have also tried using the ROS service /gazebo/apply_body_wrench/ instead of the vacuum plugin, but with no success either (for the same reason).
So my question comes down to is it possible to simulate a vacuum/magnetic foot for base_link through the URDF in which I can use it for walking?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
random note, I think the gripper plugin works by creating a joint between the objects. You might want to just write your own plugin that mimics the vaccum gripper or other existing magnetic plugins, but with whatever changes you require
Hi, you might wana look at this thread.
writing a gazebo model plugin to add relative forces to the vacuum links should work