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Unable to call parseURDF on robot model

asked 2016-10-31 23:44:02 -0600

balewski gravatar image

updated 2021-09-27 23:52:31 -0600

yah130s gravatar image


I'm new to gazebo. Just installed whole software on Ubuntu14 with this one-line command

curl -ssL | sh

Gazebo starts fine, I was able to create a model consisting of 1 cylinder and save it as:

balewski@ubuntu:~$ ll model_editor_models/Untitled/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 balewski balewski  237 Oct 31 21:30 model.config
-rw-rw-r-- 1 balewski balewski 2947 Oct 31 21:30 model.sdf

But when I try to load it next time with this command as see the error as below and the cylinder is not showing up.

$ gazebo model_editor_models/Untitled/model.config 
Error [] Unable to call parseURDF on robot model
Error [] parse as old deprecated model file failed.

Can you please advise me how to save/read-in my model or what software I am missing?



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2 Answers

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answered 2021-02-28 11:33:50 -0600

updated 2021-03-01 00:20:12 -0600

(Even if your model.config setup is good)

This error can appear if there is an error in your urdf model, not a parsing error but another type, e.g. :

  • It could be that you have multiple joints with the same name
  • links with no parent and therefore not connected to the tree
  • etc...

A quick way to check your urdf model is to do:

    check_urdf <(xacro model.urdf.xacro)

Credit for this last part : ros answers post

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answered 2016-11-02 10:53:37 -0600

nkoenig gravatar image

The model.config file contains only meta information about a model.

You must specify a world (not a model) SDF file on the command line, or just call gazebo.

You can load models via the GUI, or include your models in the world SDF file.

Take a look at our tutorials.

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Asked: 2016-10-31 23:44:02 -0600

Seen: 21,207 times

Last updated: Sep 27 '21