Problem publishing Gazebo camera topic for ROS.
I'm trying to use the camera sensor in Gazebo to take images in my simulation and view them in ROS.
Things that Do work:
- I can view the camera images in Gazebo by using the Topic Visualization and select my camera.
- I installed gazeborospkgs from source.
- If I run for example: 'roslaunch gazeboros emptyworld.launch' and run 'rostopic list' I will see a list containing Gazebo topics.
The problem is that If I add my model with the camera, no new topic is published (nothing changes in the rostopic list). I suspect the problem has something to do with that the camera plug-in doesn't load properly. As far as I understand, this plug-in is responsible for the publishing to ROS. I noticed that my GAZEBOPLUGINPATH isn't set. I have tried to set my path to the build directory in gazeborospkgs but that did nothing for me.
I'm completely stuck and would really appreciate any help,
Asked by Robofred on 2016-11-11 07:31:26 UTC
It sounds like, your model isn't right - Do you mind posting the Model you are using here too?
Asked by marauder on 2016-11-12 04:41:51 UTC
You are absolutely correct marauder. I had made some weird mistake in the model. I think the camera plugin wasn't attached properly and therefore did not load. As soon as I set everything up as it should be, it works fine.
Asked by Robofred on 2016-11-21 08:50:58 UTC