Conversion from URDF to SDF using gzsdf issues
My question is two-fold.
(i) I have a URDF which has parallel linkages and multijoint definitions. I noticed that having a child link
with multiple parent links
gave unexpected behavior when using the joint_state_publisher gui
to move the joints: I could only use one actuator joint to move the head I am trying to control. The xacro file is in this link.
(ii) I tried to export my URDF model to gazebo and in light of this, I wrote a separate file as was done in the rrbot example that adds a gazebo element
for each link and joint. So I include the superchick_gazebo file within my superchick.xacro file and when I try to load it in gazebo, I notice that all my links come out correctly but the joints are not well placed as they are in rVIZ :
Here's what the interpreted sdf looked like in Gazebo.
In my terminal, I noticed warnings such as
Warning [] attempted to add visual to link [base_panel], but it already exists under group [lump::panel_12_oc]
Warning [] attempted to add visual to link [base_panel], but it already exists under group [lump::panel_3_oc]
Warning [] attempted to add visual to link [base_panel], but it already exists under group [lump::panel_9_oc]
Warning [] attempted to add collision to link [base_panel], but it already exists under group [lump::panel_12_oc]
Warning [] attempted to add collision to link [base_panel], but it already exists under group [lump::panel_3_oc]
Warning [] attempted to add collision to link [base_panel], but it already exists under group [lump::panel_9_oc]
Warning [] attempted to add visual to link [table_top], but it already exists under group [lump::base_panel]
Warning [] attempted to add visual to link [table_top], but it already exists under group [lump::panel_12_oc]
Warning [] attempted to add visual to link [table_top], but it already exists under group [lump::panel_3_oc]
Warning [] attempted to add visual to link [table_top], but it already exists under group [lump::panel_9_oc]
Warning [] attempted to add collision to link [table_top], but it already exists under group [lump::base_panel]
Warning [] attempted to add collision to link [table_top], but it already exists under group [lump::panel_12_oc]
Warning [] attempted to add collision to link [table_top], but it already exists under group [lump::panel_3_oc]
Warning [] attempted to add collision to link [table_top], but it already exists under group [lump::panel_9_oc]
Warning [] attempted to add visual to link [table_top], but it already exists under group [lump::big_bladder_link]
Warning [] attempted to add collision to link [table_top], but it already exists under group [lump::big_bladder_link]
Warning [] attempted to add visual to link [table_top], but it already exists under group [lump::left_bladder]
Warning [] attempted to add collision to link [table_top], but it already exists under group [lump ...