Missing: ignition msgs0 Library in Windows
In the eleventh step of installation of Gazebo tool in windows, the ..\configure command gives an error of
Looking for ignition-msgs0-config.cmake - not found
Missing: Ignition msgs0 Library
Looking for ignition-math2-config.cmake - found
Missing: Ignition Transport (libignition-transport-dev or libignition-transport2-dev
Looking for libosvrClientKit and ClientKit.h - not found
OpenSource Virtual Reality(OSVR) support will be disabled.
CMake error at cmake/SearchForStuff.cmake: 746 (file):
file STRINGS file "E:/gz-ws/gazebo/QWTINCLUDEDIR-NOTFOUND/qwt-global.h" cannot be read
Call Stack (most recent call first):
CMakeLists.txt:127 (include)
I think that it is unable to find the required file and path can anyone help with same!!
Asked by Vaidehi on 2016-11-27 00:59:57 UTC
In case of error message:
Looking for ignition-msgs0-config.cmake - not found
Missing: Ignition msgs0 Library
download/clone the ign-msgs directories and install it as we installed ign-math. Steps for installation of same are:
- Copy the ign-msgs directory in the folder where ign-math folder exists: For example if ign-math exists in E:\gz-ws then copy the folder of ign-msgs in E:\gz-ws
- Open command prompt
- cd E:\gz-ws\ign-msgs
- mkdir build
- cd build
- ..\configure
- nmake
- nmake install
copy the file ignition-msgs0-config.cmake from E:\gz-ws\ign-msgs\build\install\Release\CMake\ to E:\gz-ws\ign-math\build\install\Release\CMake
For the error: file STRINGS file "E:/gz-ws/gazebo/QWT_INCLUDE_DIR-NOTFOUND/qwt-global.h" cannot be read
install qwt-6.1.2 from sourceforge.net Installation steps:
- Download the zip file for qwt-6.1.2
- Unzip it in the location E:\gz-ws\qwt-6.1.2
- open command prompt in location E:\gz-ws\qwt-6.1.2
- run the command "qmake qwt.pro"
- nmake
- nmake install - a folder will be created in C:\qwt-6.1.2\
Now run the ..\configure command and the build will be successful
Asked by Vaidehi on 2016-11-28 03:34:32 UTC