Gazebo contact sensor added to a robot link in urdf file is not working as expected?
I have added a contact sensor to one of the finger links of a robot's gripper as follows:
<link name="bh_finger_13_link">
<mass value="0.01"/>
<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
<inertia ixx="1" ixy="0" ixz="0" iyy="1" iyz="0" izz="1" />
<origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
<mesh file
name="package://bh262_description/meshes/bhand/finger_tip.dae" />
<material name="Yellow" />
<collision name="bh_finger_13_collision">
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0.0 0.0 0.0"/>
<geometry name="bh_finger_13_collision">
<mesh filename="package://bh262_description/meshes/bhand/finger_tip.dae" />
<contact_coefficients kd="1.0" kp="1000.0" mu="0"/>
<gazebo reference="bh_finger_13_link">
<sensor name='my_contact' type='contact'>
<plugin name="my_plugin" filename=""/>
<update_rate> 5 </update_rate>
On lauching the urdf file, I am getting the gazebo topics /gazebo/default/wam/bh_finger_13_link/my_contact
and /gazebo/default/wam/bh_finger_13_link/my_contact/contacts
. However, on echoing these topics, I am not getting the collision data. In order to debug this issue, I have also added a contact sensor to a box model sdf, and made the finger link to touch this object. On echoing the topic associated with the contact sensor of the box model, I am getting the collision of the box with the finger link, but on echoing the topic associated with the finger link, I am not getting the same collision information. I am not able to figure out the reason behind this discrepancy. Any help is much appreciated.
Asked by SP on 2016-12-26 07:51:38 UTC
I found a work around !!!!!
Investigating what cause the issue, I found that there are issues parsing from urdf to sdf especially in the gazebo flag. Here is a link to a question in ros answer that does raise this issue :
You can check on your own with editing an urdf from a xacro (rosrun xacro -o robot.urdf robot.xacro) and then a sdf from an urdf (gz sdf -p robot.urdf > robot.sdf), you will see that the issues are with the collision flags, both the one inside the gazebo link and the one inside the link.
So their are 2 issues :
- if you directly define a collision inside the
flag, the urdf -> sdf parser does not allow it instead puts default - the 2nd one is that the collision name that you setup in the link part is modified but this modification does not occur in the gazebo collision : If i go back to your exemple, in the link, you will NOT create a "bh_finger_13_collision" collision but you will create a "bh_finger_13_collision_collision" but in the gazebo part you will still call "bh_finger_13_collision" which does not exists.
In order to make it work, this is awful but I believe the only way at the moment, you have to change the names of your collision according to this _collision add on only one side. For exemple you could still call your collision 'bh_finger_13_collision' in the link but then in the gazebo part, you need to call it "bh_finger_13_collision_collision"
Supplementary note : in complex projects, there are usually other adds to the name of the collision ( in my project, with my collision box being called "mav_collision_box", the final name on the sdf of my collision box is : shredder/base_link_fixed_joint_lump__mav_collision_box_collision and i have to call that exact name on inside the
Asked by TTDM on 2017-01-19 05:09:06 UTC
Thank you! This is ugly, but fixed my issue. Mods - Can this be fixed?
Asked by dcconner on 2017-03-07 20:15:47 UTC
Thank you! This also worked for me with ROS Indigo and Gazebo7.
Asked by jiriker on 2017-03-08 00:51:36 UTC
I've already created an issue which describes the same behavior exactly one year ago, but it is still not assigned. You can find it here: Follow the linked repository for details.
Asked by alextoind on 2017-03-08 04:12:31 UTC
well the link in my answer is to your topic ;) What i did is basically explain how to go around it in a user point of vue which was not clearly stated in your post since your goal differ and was more to highligth the issue than to deal with it as a user ;)
Asked by TTDM on 2017-03-09 03:10:22 UTC
Sure and thanks for that. I was just pointing out that I added the issue reference yesterday (I completely forgot to add it before).
Asked by alextoind on 2017-03-09 03:16:01 UTC
I found that if you don't specify the collision name, you get something a lot nicer. E.g. if I specify the collision name (name="palm") I get: {link name}fixed_joint_lump_palm_collision, but if I leave it empty I get: {link name}_collision. My recipe is then to simply leave the collision name of the link empty, and name the contact collision element as {link_name}_collision.
Asked by hamzamerzic on 2017-05-18 07:32:16 UTC
How did you load the edited sdf file?
Asked by Feynman on 2018-01-25 11:13:26 UTC
HI, just saw your comment, you need to create the sdf file only to check it and then do the modifications on the xacro file ( but I guess that you solved it since January )
Asked by TTDM on 2018-04-17 10:57:51 UTC
Did you find any solution ? I have exaclty the same issue: i'm able to have collision data from the sensor contact type in a world model but when i do it inside a robot then the collision is empty and on the dedicated topic I only have timestamps
Asked by TTDM on 2017-01-18 10:06:52 UTC