How to properly use get_sensor?
I have some code which uses get_sensor to get a laser sensor, however when I want to use two of this model, they get muddled up as I can't reference the full model name.
sensors::SensorPtr model_sensor;
model_sensor = sensors::get_sensor("laser"); // this is fine when there's only one laser sensor
I want to get something like:
model_sensor = sensors::get_sensor("my_model::hoyoko::link::laser"); but I'm confident this is wrong as gazebo crashes with this new code.
I have the get_sensor refference : http://osrf-distributions.s3.amazonaw... (Ctrl f "get_sensor" to find the relevant part)
But I don't fully understand what they mean by " This name should be fully scoped. This means _name = world_name::model_name::link_name::sensor_name."
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!