Attach plugin to included laser model
My sdf model contains an included Hokuyo laser, and I tried to attach the rather standard
plugin, as follows:
<model name="my_laser">
<pose>-0.22 0 0.10500000000000001 0 0 3.141592653589793</pose>
<plugin name="laser_plugin" filename="" />
I get this error:
Model[my_laser] is attempting to load a plugin, but detected an incorrect plugin type.
Indeed, from what I see in the example, the plugin is meant for <sensor>
So can I access the sensor itself, and attach the plugin to it directly?
If not, how do you suggest I use the plugin?
Asked by kaldo on 2017-01-25 00:43:02 UTC
Hi Kaldo, I'm also using the "" plugin on my model, but my model is in URDF format (I would not think that it matters). I initially had problems getting my laser to work but somewhere I found an answer from someone (I don't remember who answered or where I found it).
Here is what I have in my URDF file:
<gazebo reference="base_link">
<sensor type ="gpu_ray" name="hoyuko">
<pose>0.19391 0.00126 0.28877 0 0 0</pose>
<plugin name="gpu_laser" filename="">
In your file try changing <plugin name="laser_plugin" filename="" />
to <plugin name="gpu_laser" filename="">
I tried several different combinations before mine worked, but I think it was this change that actually did the trick. Give it a try and see what happens. Hopefully it will work for you.
Asked by mikec on 2017-02-07 14:32:34 UTC