How to change Gazebo client framerate?
It's a simple question for which I couldn't find anything online. Is it possible to set the framerate of the Gazebo Client at launch?
I am having issues with my real-time factor reducing down to 0.3 and below. But this isn't acceptable since my control algorithms among other things start messing up with this unexpected "sluggishness" of the simulated robot.
I wouldn't mind compensating with a framerate of 16 FPS just to get the real-time factor higher. The GUI alone unnecessarily consumes as much as 20% of my system.
Apologies if such functionalities are staring at me in the face but I literally got 0 results with the search term "Gazebo framerate". Thanks in advance!
- i5 6200U, 8GB DDR3 RAM, Intel HD graphics (Integrated)
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Gazebo 7.0.0
- empty_world simulation of URDF car-like bot with simple mesh, 2D LIDAR, IMU, low-res Camera, basic shape obstacles.