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Compiling sdformat on Win10

asked 2017-02-10 20:20:53 -0600

graffy gravatar image

Somewhat reluctant to ask, but I've encountered an issue building sdformat on Win10.

I'm building the project using VS2015 (following the gazebo tutorial for VS2013). The biggest trick was building boost 1.56.0 under 2015. But once I generated the libs, I managed to get SDFormat's cmake to pick them up during configuration.

The problem comes with building. That is, when I run NMake, it fails to link the sdf.dll because it's looking for the boost VS2013 libraries. Looking through the .obj files, there's four of them in sdformat that rely on boost libraries. Each one has a /DEFAULTLIB declaration that calls out the boost 2013 libraries (e.g. libboost_filesystem-vc120-mt-1_56.lib). This is what causes the error.

From what I can tell, /DEFAULTLIB occurs for certain compiler switches and #prgama comment(libname) declarations in code. Neither one seems to be the cause here.

I have searched for anything that might be hardcoding this reference into the SDF .obj files, but have come up empty.

Is there any wisdom regarding approaching Windows builds of Gazebo? I know others have managed to get it to work, but I suspect they were using VS2013, which, unfortunately, is not an option for me...

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answered 2017-02-12 22:13:42 -0600

graffy gravatar image

updated 2017-02-12 22:14:53 -0600

I managed to build SDFormat, but only after creating my own VC++ project and building the source from there. Interestingly, it seems that the problem was that the x64 boost libs were incompatible with the chosen architecture for SDFormat. Not sure what happened, but I managed to compatible 64-bit SDFormat against the latest boost libs (1.63.0) relatively easily once I rolled my own project.

Gazebo appears to be giving me the same grief, so I suspect I will have to take the same approach to getting it built.

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Asked: 2017-02-10 20:20:53 -0600

Seen: 270 times

Last updated: Feb 12 '17