Understanding link property self_collide
I would like to make Baxter in Gazebo7 check for self-collisions. I have migrated the SDF property tag from the old selfCollide
to self_collide
for various links, but it does not seem to check for self collision.
If I set self_collide to true for the entire model, Baxter convulses because of links that are always in collision. I tried this approach using the URDF tag:
<gazebo reference="">
If I set the self_collide to true for two consecuitive links that are connected with a fixed joint, I get the warning:
Warning [parser_urdf.cc:1232] multiple inconsistent <self_collide> exists due to fixed joint reduction overwriting previous value [true] with [false].
If I only set self_collide to true for links that are not fixed, I still do not see the links "colliding" in simulation when I run them into each other. Part of this XML looks like:
<gazebo reference="right_upper_shoulder">
<gazebo reference="right_lower_shoulder">
<gazebo reference="right_upper_elbow">
<gazebo reference="right_lower_elbow">
<gazebo reference="right_upper_forearm">
<gazebo reference="right_lower_forearm">
Also, in the Gazebo GUI, the checkbox under the link proprety for self collide is disabled, why can't I toggle this property at run time?
Thanks for the clarification!
Asked by davetcoleman on 2017-02-16 04:40:13 UTC
Have you figured this one out ? Collision not working here either.
Asked by Gortium on 2017-03-21 13:24:15 UTC