Translating heighmap creates offset between collision and visual
When using the
This portion of the world file looks as follows. There appears to have been a similar issue that was resolved a few years ago (,, but I still seem to be exhibiting the problem.
Any ideas? I am on Gazebo 7.5, installed from binaries.
<model name="heightmap">
<link name="height">
<collision name="collision">
<size> 540 540 60 </size>
<pos> -55 -72 0 </pos>
<visual name="visual_abcedf">
<size> 540 </size>
<size> 540 540 60 </size>
<pos> -55 -72 0 </pos>
Asked by bybee.taylor on 2017-03-06 15:14:01 UTC
Assuming that you use default physics engine (ODE), one possible way to solve this problem is, write a model plugin for your heightmap terrain, extract its collision pointer (type casted to ODECollision type) and use ODE function dGeomSetPosition( ODECollisionPtr->ODECollisionId(), x, y, z). The offset you see is because, translation happens in rendering component (in x, y, z) but not in physics component (happens only in z) ( check gazebo-7/gazebo-9 source code ).
This worked for me!!!
check the below link for proper syntax: ODE API Docs
Asked by Rakesh on 2021-01-11 11:08:56 UTC
I am wondering if what you're experiencing is related to this issue:
Asked by iche033 on 2017-03-06 16:48:09 UTC