How to fix joints from plugin (C++)
Hi all!
I have a big robot with a lot of joints. I want to write prog for autotuning PID parameters for each joint.
To do it I need to consequently fix all joints except one from C++ plugin.
How can I fix (stop) my joints using API? I use gazebo8.
I try to do it in such way but it has no affect:
for(int i=1;i<model->GetJointCount();++i)
joint[i] =_model->GetJoints()[i];
gazebo::physics::Entity::EntityType type_fixed = gazebo::physics::Entity::FIXED_JOINT;
Asked by Vlad222 on 2017-04-13 08:35:02 UTC
Yeah! I find the answer!
Asked by Vlad222 on 2017-04-13 09:58:10 UTC
Please keep in mind, that you've pointed at old API, there are no such methods now. And the correct order for setting limits are: upper, lower, upper again, because of some ODE things
Asked by eugene-katsevman on 2017-04-13 10:21:07 UTC
- You might try to set upper and lower limits to almost same value (say 0.001 for lower and 0.002 and for upper) and add some static friction and damping for that joints.
- You might also set a HUGE static friction for that joint.
- Or set max_force to zero
Useful methods are : SetLowerLimit
, SetUpperLimit
, SetParam
for setting a friction, SetEffortLimit
Asked by eugene-katsevman on 2017-04-13 10:05:29 UTC
How about creating a fixed joint for every joint? Then when the PID tuning is done, remove all the joints that were created. The gripper shows how to create a fixed joint.
using namespace gazebo;
// to create
physics::JointPtr joint;
physics::WorldPtr world = physics::get_world("default");
physics::PhysicsEnginePtr engine = world->GetPhysicsEngine();
joint = engine->CreateJoint("fixed");
joint->SetName(model->GetName() + "my_fixed_joint");
// get parent, child, origin can be {0,0,0} in this case
joint->Load(parent_link, child_link, joint_origin);
// to destroy
Asked by sloretz on 2017-04-13 10:06:56 UTC
Wouldn't that introduce too much singularity?
Asked by eugene-katsevman on 2017-04-13 10:16:31 UTC