Gazebo crashes on Mac when model with CameraPlugin removed from scene

asked 2017-04-14 06:26:28 -0600

Petro gravatar image

updated 2017-04-15 03:02:40 -0600

Gazebo crashes when I add and then remove from scene model with CameraPlugin. Tested with gazebo_ros_camera plugin.

Crashes happened even when I used empty plugin inherited from CameraPlugin with Load method calling base CameraPlugin::Load(_parent, _sdf);. There is no crash if there is no call base CameraPlugin::Load(_parent, _sdf); in Load method.

Crashes appears on Mac OS X 10.11 + Gazebo 7.3 + ROS Jade and on Mac OS 10.12 + Gazebo 8 + ROS Kinetic Kane. Works fine on Ubuntu + Gazebo 7 + ROS Kinetic Kane.

Crash log:

/Users/Polonium/Documents/Projects/ros_jade/install_isolated/lib/gazebo_ros/gzserver: line 37:  2264 Segmentation fault: 11  GAZEBO_MASTER_URI="$desired_master_uri" gzserver $final [gazebo-2] process has died [pid 2200, exit code 139, cmd /Users/Polonium/Documents/Projects/ros_jade/install_isolated/lib/gazebo_ros/gzserver
--verbose -e ode /Users/Polonium/Documents/Projects/somatic_ws/src/somatic_vehicle/media/worlds/somatic/
__name:=gazebo __log:=/Users/Polonium/.ros/log/8e21cb4f-202d-11e7-a03d-7831c1bef192/gazebo-2.log]. log file: /Users/Polonium/.ros/log/8e21cb4f-202d-11e7-a03d-7831c1bef192/gazebo-2*.log
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Thanks for posting about it. Would you mind creating an issue at

sloretz gravatar imagesloretz ( 2017-04-14 10:27:30 -0600 )edit

Thanks for posting about it. Would you mind creating an issue at ?

sloretz gravatar imagesloretz ( 2017-04-14 10:27:48 -0600 )edit